Well, it was another wacky year in our Greater Lafayette housing market. Really wacky. 2024 got off to a sloooooooooowwwwwwww start. January is usually fairly nutty since brokers are goal-setting and planning their year. But February brought things to a screeching halt. In Tippecanoe County, 350 homes sold and closed in Q1, with an average […]
How Do I Know if a Fixer-Upper is Right for Me?
Please welcome my brother and partner in crime, Brian, who is guest blogging for me today! He’s a wealth of knowledge when it comes to real estate investments, so there’s no one better to tackle today’s topic. Investing in a fixer-upper can be an exciting way to build wealth, but it’s not for everyone. To […]
12 Days of Real Estate Reflections (a Recap of 2024)
Oh, what a year. And we love a good recap. So, let’s put a fun spin on it! I give you: The 12 Days of Real Estate Reflections 12- Amazing teammates! Some of the most intelligent, helpful people on the planet are the ones I get to work with every day. I’m so thankful for this group of […]
3 A-Words You Need to Know
When it comes to real estate, there are a few A-words that get tossed around (and oftentimes confused). Let me shed a little light on these three common A-words you might hear during your real estate transaction. EXAMPLE: If the tax rate in your city is $10 per $1000 and your home is assessed for […]
My Nativity Collection
I love Christmas. I love the smells, the sounds, the tastes—it’s a sensory delight for me! We have so many special traditions—recipes, gatherings, and décor. And, while I love the lights in this season of early-evening darkness, my favorite decorations are my nativities. I didn’t realize I was a “collector” until this year as I […]