Everyone is talking about it. It’s higher than EVER! (Not really.) It’s STILL going up! (Yes!) NO ONE is selling because of it. (Nope.) It’s our friend, the interest rate. Walk with me down memory lane… In 1973 (ahem, before I was born), interest rates were about 8%. In 1983 (around my first birthday!), interest […]
Renovating Our New Home
Visionaries, unite! It’s no secret that the Grove family buys houses that need work. We can’t help ourselves. A little vision can go a LONG way. But to make that work, you also have to have a plan and a budget. We bought a home with an awesome great room. We envision lots of time […]
Pool Ownership 101
Boy, oh boy. Owning a pool is no joke, but it’s not an impossibility! What do you need to know about owning a pool? I have some ideas, thanks to some friends who shared as we stepped into this new arena with our recent move. Establish the Rules Early On Establish the rules of the […]
Realtor Moving Hacks
The Grove family moves a lot. It’s an illness. It’s a joy. We’re the only lunatics that live through our house flips but don’t stick around long enough to enjoy them. Job hazard, I suppose? Well, anyway, in light of all our moves, I have many, many, moving hacks to share with you . . […]
8 Things Sellers Shouldn’t Reveal (Except to Their Realtor)
Let me start by saying DO NOT, in any way, shape, or form, attempt to deceive buyers! In fact, doing so could land you in legal trouble. (As the saying goes, disclose, disclose, disclose!) However, there is such a thing as saying too much. Sharing is the norm in the world we live in, but […]